Jackson is one of our baby club members! Isn't he CUTE! Such a happy boy. To view more: http://www.joplinexpressions.com/, enter site, click on 'client images, password is 'jackson'; or click on 'lab link'.
Ashley came out the other day for a senior session. She had a totally rad truck and we had a great time. To view more: http://www.joplinexpressions.com/, enter site, client images, password is 'ashleyd'; or click 'lab link'.
Melanie is a dancer! We had a blast letting her show off for the camera! It was a blessing to get to know her this past week. I am pretty sure we broke the law for a couple of shots. Shhhh..... don't tell! To view more: www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, click on 'client images, password is melanie; or click on 'lab link'.
Amanda Came to the studio on Monday and we had a great time. Amanda is a tennis buff from Neosho so we got some super cool action shots! A special thanks to Cassie for helping with this shoot. To view more, www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, click on client images, password is 'amandab'; or click on lab link.
Meet Easton! he is the newest member of our baby club! I am looking forward to seeing him many times to come. He was such a happy guy! To view more: www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, click on "client images', password is 'badley', or click on 'lab link'.
Here are some more beautiful people to admire. These boys are SOOO cute and Caleb just adores his baby brother! To view more go to www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, click on "client images", password is 'lewis'; or click on "lab link".
Here are a few images from this past weekend. We have been shooting like crazy and I am slow blogging but... stay tuned! To view more: www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, "client images, password is "duerr"; or click on lab link.
Monday, March 9, 2009
We met Bryan the other day for a cool senior session. We were luck to have a very nice day. His beautiful girlfriend came along. What fun. To view more: www.joplinexpressions.com, enter site, click on "client images', password is 'bryan': or click on "lab link".
Saturday was a busy but fun day. I have been busy painting a new backdrop--not sure I'll do tht again. But here are a couple of shots using it. Hope you like them.