or click on "lab link". Images can be sorted in the lab link area.
Lilly will be turning two soon!!! She had definate ideas about where she wanted sit!!!! Usually not were we wanted her to sit. But we got some great shots anyway!! Here are a few.
The weather was perfect for senior pictures!!! Not tooo hot and not toooo cool!!! Lindsey was great---I think she thought we were a little strange but -we are- so that is OK. We had a great time and got some great shots. Pretty girl and great eyes!! More to come.
We are very excited to be documenting Amanda ond Brandons upcoming wedding!
Congrats guys! To view more go to http://www.joplinexpressions.com/, enter site, click on "Client images" password is "carney". Or click on "lab link", find your event and sign in. Photos can be sorted and small prints may be ordered at the lab link; however, photos are only retouched if you order from the studio.
Just an update on our email: It seems to be working--sometimes. So please don't assume we received your email or that we have not responded to yours!!! Some of our emails have been ending up in the "junk" mailbox!! So if you have tried to contact us and have not received a response please call!!!! Thanks a bunch for your patience!!!!!!
Zeke & Nana got to go to the park on Tuesday!! I had a great time and I hope Zeke did also. He is such a good boy and sometimes he looks just like his uncle Bubba!!! (Like in this photo!!)
I had fun today trying out a new lens. Thankfully I had a willing subject!! Here are a couple. Have a great day!!!! My favorite is the last one!!! But my opinion doesn't count!!!
We had the privilege of documenting Life Choices Banquet on September 11. The guest speaker was Jennifer O'Neill. Wow, what a testimony!! Jennifer has written several great books. Life Choices is a great ministry and offers many needed services to our community.
Hooray! I picked up my new Nikon D700 yesterday! This image was taken this evening in my living room with a lamp in the corner as the main light at 6400 ISO. We are always trying to improve our skill as well as our equipment to give the best possible result!
We had the honor of photographing little Jackson the other day. Such a cute baby! I am posting B&W right now but, he had the most beautiful red hair. Enjoy. I also included a "body part" composite that I made from Jacksons session.
View more at www.joplinexpressions.com, click on "client images", password is jackson, or click on "lab link".
The web site and email seem to be working. YEA However, if you send an email and don't get a reply (I always respond!!), please call the studio. 417-623-3168. Have a great day.
This weekend was busy with the local Wedding Extravaganza Bridal Fair!! We met alot of brides and moms. That part is always fun. Now I have the task of putting all the stuff away and getting the electronics up and running!!!