Saturday, August 22, 2009

Things we LOVED this summer!

I thought I would take a few minutes to let you know a few things we have loved this summer!
The first is my cannon G10 with the underwater housing! We have only had this a few weeks but LOVE it! Very fun! it does a pretty good job underwater and we haven't really had time to investigate how to make it work better!

The second thing is Leslie Harrison! She is AWESOME with the kids ad she was able to get them to do things that they NEVER would have done for me! I photographed most of her sessions this past week and she had a 12 month old swimming to the surface into a float all by herself! it was TOTALLY COOL and soooo important when you think about it! Check her out!

Look at my boys floating by themselves!

Jonah floating FULLY CLOTHED! The Lessons were "survival training" so, towards the end of the session she had the boys come in clothes so that they could get used to the extra effort it took to float and swim in clothes!

Just goofing off!

Of course my favorite thing was spending time with my boys! they actually helped me paint this background along with "aunt jenny!" they also have been such good boys this summer helping us with sessions!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

baby madeline!

Madeline is such a big girl! She wanted to be standing and moving all the time!
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I cannot believe Ben is getting sooo big! How sweet is he!
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Ben brought his cousin along and we nabbed a few of them! Aren't they so cute!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Courtney continued!

Courtney was super fun wednesday morning! It was bright a early but, we had a blast!
(I did require 2 starbucks that day!)
Scroll down a few posts to see her water shoot!
Senior girls ... if you want to get in the water for you senior pics .... DO IT NOW ... before it gets too cold! To view more: lab link or client images.

Sam is 6 months!

Sam is so cute! He is only 6 months and is sitting like such a BIG boy! What a sweetie!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Courtney preview!

I haven't had time to go through all of the images from Courtney session yesterday but, I wanted to share a few before we left for a couple of days! I LOVE this series of images! We had alot of fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Browns are having a baby!

This has to be the cutest maternity shirt EVER! How cute!

The browns do not know if the baby is a boys or girl! Even though Jennifer actually performs ultrasounds for a living! She made two blankets. one pink one blue!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ashlee is a Senior!

Ashlee is will be a senior next year at Miami! We had a great time shooting her the other night! A special thanks to the guys at the Olivia for sharing the magnificent building with us!